Hi!👋 I am Quen Del Pilar, an aspiring full-stack web developer. I created this website as a requirement for bootcamp and I am really excited to share you my work.❤️❤️
My first approach on this activity was to set a fixed width for the entire table at 1200px and divide it into 12 columns of equal widths. However, as a lover of large monitors, 1200px seems too empty so I decided to use 100% width and divided it into 20 tiny columns.😂
As stated, this is site is just a big table made up of rows and columns. It is also important to note that this is a not so responsive website so, if you are viewing this from a mobile phone, sorry✌️. Nonetheless, I hope you'll like my work! As a gift here's a lucky cat😺 from restock.⬅️